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Submitted: 8/22/16 • Approved: 8/23/16 • Last Updated: 3/13/18 • R55971-G55969-S3
November 27, 1864 Chemung County, New York
July 14, 1903 Newton, Kansas
Daughter of Nathan and Clara G Hanes was born in Chemung county, New York, November 27, 1864, and died of appendicitis at her home 520 East First street. She was married to Andrew Balling in 1886. They came to Kansas about 1896. She was a member of the Christian church, and had always been faithful and active in whatever duty came to her, serving the church on its board of officers at the time of her death.
September 28, 1861 - October 10, 1912
October 12, 1912
Newton friends were greatly shocked last evening to learn that Andrew Balling, the Santa Fe engineer who was scalded in an accident at Kackney, on the Strong City branch recently, had passed away at the company hospital at Topeka, Thursday evening at 10:30. It was reported here the middle of the week that Mr Balling was doing well, and the announcement of his death came as a great sorrow to his many friends in Newton. Mr Balling was employed by the Santa Fe here for a number of years, and was held in high esteem by all who knew him.
He will be brought to Newton in the morning, and services will be held at the Duff undertaking parlors at 10:00 o'clock Sunday forenoon,in charge Rev R P McPherson of the Christian church. Interment will be made in the Newton cemetery.
A peculiarly sad feature to the death of this popular man is the fact that he was married but a few days ago to a lady, whose home was at Omaha, Neb, who is not well known in Newton. They resided at Superior, Neb, the end of Mr Balling's run.
The accident which eventually caused his death was a bursting of an arch flue in the engine, resulting in severe scalds.
A brother, Henry Balling, lives at Wichita. Mr Balling had run into Newton a share of the time during the last few years, but had not made his home here for several years.
Contributed on 8/22/16
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Record #: 55971