PROUTY, CALISTRA SOPHIA - Harvey County, Kansas | CALISTRA SOPHIA PROUTY - Kansas Gravestone Photos

Calistra Sophia PROUTY

Greenwood Cemetery
Harvey County,

US Army
Company G 27 Illinois Infantry
Civil War Union
August 6, 1838 - March 17, 1902

March 18, 1902. Last night at about six o'clock at the family residence northwest of town, occured the death of W H.Prouty, an early settler and respected citizen of Harvey county. His father, Amos Prouty, familiarly called " Grampa Prouty", came to this vicinity in the early days and brought with him a large family, the members of which settled throughout the neighborhood northwest of Newton and made many friends, who will morn the passing away of one of this venerable family. The last illness probably became somewhat apparent about two years ago, but he could hardly be called a sick man until last September when a complication of diseases, the principal of which was heart trouble, took a firm hold on him, since which time he has been steadily declining. Mr Prouty has always taken a prominent part in the affairs of his community and great will be the loss to his neighbors and friends. It is not necessary to name the immediate members of his family as the brothers are so well known throughout the county that almost all the older residents are on speaking acquaintance with them. In his own family he leaves a wife, four daughters and one son. The Kansan and a large number of Newton friends extend their sincere sympathy to the sorrowing relatives. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock from the family residence which is six and three quarters miles west on Twelfth street and two miles north. The Rev W A Elliott officiating. William was the oldest son of Amos Prouty,and took the first claim in Macon township and his daughter Alice was the first white child born in the township.

The following is from William G Cutler's
"History Of Kansas, Harvey County"
First published in 1883.

WILLIAM H PROUTY, farmer, Section 9, P O Newton, owns 160 acres, 130 under cultivation, with orchard of four acres, and all enclosed with good stock-proof hedge; has a good frame dwelling 24 x 32, with L and porches, costing $800, with barn, stable and out buildings. He came to Kansas in 1870, and took the first claim in Macon Township. He was born in Wooster, Mass, August 6, 1838, and while a child came with his parents to Illinois where he lived until entering the army in August, 1862, in Company G, Twenty-seventh Regiment Illinois Infantry, and went to the department of the Tennessee. Shortly after joining the regiment he was detached to service in Battery A, First Illinois Light Artillery. Returned to regiment a few days before and participated in the battles of Lookout Mountain and Mission Ridge and in the Atlanta campaign. After the taking of Atlanta he rejoined his regiment and went back to Thomas' command to engage Hood and at the battle of Franklin was on advanced line which was enveloped and overrun by the rebel charge, and made a prisoner and compelled to bury the rebel dead after the battle and taken from there to Andersonville prison, where he was confined as a prisoner of war until April 6, 1865, when he was paroled and sent to Vicksburg and barely missed being on the ill-fated Sultana by an accident and finally was mustered out June 1, 1865, and returned to his home in Illinois. He was married February 27, 1867, to Miss Calista Trask, a native of Iowa. They have four children living -- Edna, Alice, Bly and Corney. His daughter Alice is the first child born in Macon Township. He is a member of the I O O F and has held the position of Treasurer of Harvey County Agricultural Society for six years; also treasurer of the Township six years, and is a member of the School Board, which position has held for four years.

November 7, 1844 Wapello Louisa County Iowa
November 3, 1912 Newton Harvey County Kansas

Newton Kansan Nov. 7,1912

Miss Calista Trask, was born near Wapello, Louisa County, Iowa, Nov 7, 1844. She lived with her sister, Mrs George Hook until her marriage, Feb 27, 1867 to William H Prouty of New Boston, Mercer County, Illinois. They resided on a farm near New Boston until 1869, when they moved to Labete Co.,Kansas, where the embarked in the cattle business with a cousin W M.Prouty. In August 1871 they moved overland with oxen to their homestead S W quarter section 19, Macon Township. In 1880 they sold their homestead and moved to their new home adjoining on the west and after improving and beautifying this farm with trees, hedges and buildings they again sold their home to W C Pierce and moved to the present nome N W quarter section 6, Macon township, where the husband preceded the wife, March 17, 1902. Deceased leaves two sisters, Mrs Cornelia Wilson of Annelly and Mrs.Rhoda Miller of Elmer, Mo and one brother Harmon Trask of Cincinnati, Ohio. She is also survived by four daughters, Mrs Edna Brink, of Seattle, Washington, Mrs Alice Manring, near Hesston, Mrs Bly Rose near McClain, Mrs Corina Cheap, who resides at the parental home and one son Atchison Prouty, of Garden township. Deceased was a member of the W R C and always took an active part in the meetings and social gatherings of this honored organization, especially on Memorial day when she took part in decorating the graves of the departed heroes of the Civil war, her husband being an honored member of the G A R Death summons came to her after an illness of three weeks of pneumonia and complications on November 3. Her funeral services were held at the Baptist church at 1 o'clock Nov 6, Rev W A Elliott of Ottawa, presiding and spoke words of comfort to the grief stricken relatives, as well as words of praise of the upright Christian life of the departed one.

Contributed on 10/22/16 by jrwall1046
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Record #: 59420

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Submitted: 10/22/16 • Approved: 10/28/16 • Last Updated: 3/13/18 • R59420-G59419-S3

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